1 – Privacy Policy

TheDrumrollApp (“we”, “our” or “us”) operates the TheDrumrollApp website https://www.TheDrumrollApp.com (here and after referred to as the “Website”) and provides the TheDrumrollApp bot for Slack (here and after referred to as the “Platforms”) and other TheDrumrollApp services (referred together as the “Services”).

This Privacy Policy is expressly incorporated into our Terms of Service for the Website.

2 – What Does This Privacy Policy Cover?

When using our Services or accessing the Website, you may provide us with your personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”). This Privacy Policy describes how we collect and use the personal information you may provide on our Website or using our Services. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information.

If you provide us personal information about others, or if others give us your information, we will only use that information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us.

This Privacy Policy is also applicable to any personal information that our business partners, subsidiaries and affiliates may share with us or that we may share with them.

3 – What Information Do We Collect?

Platforms Information:

Team Information: When you or another user enables the TheDrumrollApp bot for your team, we receive the name of your team, the team avatar and email domain list from the Platform API where TheDrumrollApp bot installed to. For each Channel available for your team, we receive the Channel name, topic and purpose from the Platform API where TheDrumrollApp bot installed to. We also receive an access token to communicate with the Slack App which is encrypted and safely stored in our database.

Information you provided to us: We collect information about you when you input it into the Services or otherwise provide it directly to us. When a message has been reacted with a drumroll, we only store a link and the number of upvotes to the message. We do store the question that is manually input by the user in our Database.

Information you provide through our support channels: The Services also include our customer support, where you may choose to submit information regarding a problem you are experiencing with a Service. Whether you designate yourself as a technical contact, open a support ticket, speak to one of our representatives directly or otherwise engage with our support team, you will be asked to provide contact information, a summary of the problem you are experiencing, and any other documentation, screenshots or information that would be helpful in resolving the issue.

Billing information: TheDrumrollApp requests the following billing information to proceed the payment for the service:
- Credit/Debit card number;
- CVC;
- Card expiration date;
- Card owner name;

TheDrumrollApp doesn’t store or manage this information in any way. We transfer it to the third-party payment provider Stripe. All the billing data is stored and managed on Stripe’s side. TheDrumrollApp handles its management via API tokens provided by Stripe.

Information we collect automatically when you use the Services

We collect information about you when you use our Services, including browsing our websites and taking certain actions within the Services.

Your use of the Services: We keep track of certain information about you when you visit and interact with any of our Services. This information includes the features you use; the links you click on; the type, size and filenames of attachments you upload to the Services; frequently used search terms; and how you interact with others on the Services.

Device and Connection Information: We collect information about your computer, phone, tablet, or other devices you use to access the Services. This device information includes your connection type and settings when you install, access, update, or use our Services. We also collect information through your device about your operating system, browser type, IP address, URLs of referring/exit pages, device identifiers, and crash data. We use your IP address and/or country preference in order to approximate your location to provide you with a better Service experience. How much of this information we collect depends on the type and settings of the device you use to access the Services.

Web browser cookies: Our Website and TheDrumrollApp bot may use “cookies” to enhance your user experience. Your web browser may place cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. You may choose to set your web browser to reject cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you do so, please note that some parts of the Website may not function properly.

Please also note that “cookies” are used to collect general usage and volume statistical information that does not include personal information.

We may use a third party service provider or our business partners to gather information about how you and others use our Website. For example, we will know how many users access a specific page and which links they clicked on. We use this aggregated information to understand and optimize how our Website is used.

Links to Other Web Sites

Our Website may include links to other web pages whose privacy practices may differ from ours. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read a privacy policy of any website you visit.

4 – How we use information we collect

How we use the information we collect depends in part on which Services you use, how you use them, and any preferences you have communicated to us. Below are the specific purposes for which we use the information we collect about you.

To provide the Services and personalize your experience: We currently only collect generic information such as the team members that have upvoted for a question to be useful and the actual question itself. All the questions are then aggregated in the homepage to show a list of all the useful and most upvoted questions and answers.

For research and development: We are always looking for ways to make our Services smarter, faster, secure, integrated, and useful to you. We use collective learnings about how people use our Services and feedback provided directly to us to troubleshoot and to identify trends, usage, activity patterns and areas for integration and improvement of the Services.

To communicate with you about the Services: We use your contact information to send transactional communications via email and within the Services, including confirming your purchases, reminding you of subscription expirations, responding to your comments, questions and requests, providing customer support, and sending you technical notices, updates, security alerts, and administrative messages. We also send you communications as you onboard to a particular Service to help you become more proficient in using that Service. These communications are part of the Services and in most cases you cannot opt out of them. If an opt out is available, you will find that option within the communication itself or in your account settings.

To market, promote and drive engagement with the Services: We use your contact information and information about how you use the Services to send promotional communications that may be of specific interest to you, including by email and by displaying TheDrumrollApp ads on other companies’ websites and applications, as well as on platforms like Facebook and Google. These communications are aimed at driving engagement and maximizing what you get out of the Services, including information about new features, survey requests, newsletters, and events we think may be of interest to you. We also communicate with you about new product offers, promotions and contests. You can control whether you receive these communications as described below under ”Opt-out of communications.” If you do use our Services, we might add in your company logo in our marketing websites to promote our products.

Customer support: We use your information to resolve technical issues you encounter, to respond to your requests for assistance, to analyze crash information, and to repair and improve the Services.

For safety and security: We use information about you and your Service use to verify accounts and activity, to monitor suspicious or fraudulent activity and to identify violations of Service policies.

To protect our legitimate business interests and legal rights: Where required by law or where we believe it is necessary to protect our legal rights, interests and the interests of others, we use information about you in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, and audit functions, and disclosures in connection with the acquisition, merger or sale of a business.

With your consent: We use information about you where you have given us consent to do so for a specific purpose not listed above. For example, we may publish testimonials or featured customer stories to promote the Services, with your permission.

5 – How, and With Whom, Is Collected Information Shared?

We are not disclosing any of your information to anyone but your team. We only use your personal data to improve our Services, including TheDrumrollApp, Q1andup summaries, mood reports, TheDrumrollApp behavioral tips and other TheDrumrollApp Automation or Education functionality to you and your team.

We may store some of your personal information on the side of our service providers, business partners, subsidiaries and affiliates when we use their services. Their list and services include, but not limited to: 

- Mongo DB Atlas - cloud database where we store data mentioned in the item #3 of this Privacy Policy; 

- Amazon AWS - hosting provider where we lease servers to store our data; 

- Stripe - payment provider that manages payments for TheDrumrollApp services;

We do not sell, lease or transfer your personal information to third parties, but we may and sometimes shall disclose your personal information if one of the following circumstances occur:

  1. as required by law such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process;
  2. when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
  3. if we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our Website of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information;
  4. to any other third party with your prior consent to do so.

6 – What Information About Me Is Public?

If you are a member of Slack that has enabled the TheDrumrollApp bot or you’re user who applies to the Experts with the consulting requests, we may publicly present on our Website (i) your team name and team avatar, (ii) your user name, your first and last name, and your avatar, (iii) but not your personal team or request information like your team’s summary and direct messages, questions and agendas you provide to TheDrumrollApp service.

7 – How we store and secure information we collect

Information storage and security

We use data hosting service providers in the United States to host the information we collect, and we use technical measures to secure your data.

The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Non-public Personal Information that you share with us will be protected using industry-standard techniques. We seek to protect your non-public Personal Information to ensure that it is kept private; however, we cannot guarantee its security. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of user information at any time.

If you have any questions about security on our Website, please contact us at support@thedrumrollapp.com.

How long we keep information

How long we keep information we collect about you depends on the type of information, as described in further detail below. After such time, we will either delete or anonymize your information or, if this is not possible (for example, because the information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your information and isolate it from any further use until deletion is possible.

Account information: We retain your account information for as long as your account is active and a reasonable period thereafter in case you decide to re-activate the Services. We also retain some of your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes, to enforce our agreements, to support business operations, and to continue to develop and improve our Services. Where we retain information for Service improvement and development, we take steps to eliminate information that directly identifies you, and we only use the information to uncover collective insights about the use of our Services, not to specifically analyze personal characteristics about you.

Information you share on the Services: If your account is deactivated or disabled, some of your information and the content you have provided will remain in order to allow your team members or other users to make full use of the Services.

Managed accounts: If the Services are made available to you through an organization (e.g., your employer), we retain your information as long as required by the administrator of your account. 

Marketing information: If you have elected to receive marketing emails from us, we retain information about your marketing preferences for a reasonable period of time from the date you last expressed interest in our Services, such as when you last opened an email from us or ceased using your TheDrumrollApp account. We retain information derived from cookies and other tracking technologies for a reasonable period of time from the date such information was created.

8 – How Can I Delete Information Kept by You?

Should you ever decide to delete your account, you may do so by emailing support@thedrumrollapp.com. If you terminate your Account, any association between your Account and information we store will no longer be accessible through your Account and we will delete all the tokens and user information stored with us.

To review and update your personal information to ensure it is accurate, contact us at support@thedrumrollapp.com.

9 – What Happens When There Are Changes to this Privacy Policy?

We may update and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. If we amend this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting an announcement on the Website. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we may also choose at our discretion to notify you through the Services and/or by sending you an email.

You are bound by any update and amendment to the Privacy Policy when you keep using our Website and our Services after such update or amendment has been first posted on the Website.

We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

10 – What If I Have Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy and our practices in accordance with thereof, please send us message at support@thedrumrollapp.com. We will make every effort to resolve your concerns quickly.

Last update date: June 11, 2024